Fun and Club Show 11th May 2014
Incorporating Grand Slam Sunday
Great to be back, echoed round our competition arenas at Sundays Show.
Quite right they were too as it was great to see our old friends and new people
competing at our Fun and Club Show.
Thank you to everyone who supported us and well done to all our riders
and their trusting steeds enjoying successes in our open classes, gaining more British Showjumping Club league points and also our own Grandslam Sunday leagues for 80cm Pony, Horse and 1.05m Mixed league.
Sunday was the first in our Grandslam Sunday dates. An accumulator league with a
Championship Cup, Sash, Championship Rosette and wonderful prize at the end of the Grandslam year.
Well Done Everybody and remember we run this competition every second Sunday in the
month, known as our Fun and Club Show. , events page.
55cm Pony Open : Harriet Branch and Prince Charlie
70cm Pony Open, incorp. B.S. Club : Ben Cowan and Jay Jay
80cm Mixed Relay : Leah Bainbridge and Silver Ados Dream/Reanne Bainbridge and Mr Magic
80cm Pony Open, incorp B.S. Club and Grandslam Sunday League : Leah Bainbridge and Silver Ados Dream
90cm Pony Open, incorp. BS Club : Stephanie Green and Highlane Harlequin
70cm Horse Open, incorp BS Club : Kelsey Proud and Maddie
80cm Horse Open, incorp BS Club and Grandslam Sunday League : Kelsey Proud and Maddie
90cm Horse Open, incorp BS Club : Jamie Davison and Aztec Fantasia
1.00m Horse Open, incorp BS Club : Leigh Robinson and Everything Voodoo
1m05 Horse Open incorp. Grandslam Sunday League : Rachel Davison and Devil’s Fire
Our next Fun and Club Day is Sunday, 8th June 2014, hope to see you there … L.F.E.
and their trusting steeds enjoying successes in our open classes, gaining more British Showjumping Club league points and also our own Grandslam Sunday leagues for 80cm Pony, Horse and 1.05m Mixed league.
Sunday was the first in our Grandslam Sunday dates. An accumulator league with a
Championship Cup, Sash, Championship Rosette and wonderful prize at the end of the Grandslam year.
Well Done Everybody and remember we run this competition every second Sunday in the
month, known as our Fun and Club Show. , events page.
55cm Pony Open : Harriet Branch and Prince Charlie
70cm Pony Open, incorp. B.S. Club : Ben Cowan and Jay Jay
80cm Mixed Relay : Leah Bainbridge and Silver Ados Dream/Reanne Bainbridge and Mr Magic
80cm Pony Open, incorp B.S. Club and Grandslam Sunday League : Leah Bainbridge and Silver Ados Dream
90cm Pony Open, incorp. BS Club : Stephanie Green and Highlane Harlequin
70cm Horse Open, incorp BS Club : Kelsey Proud and Maddie
80cm Horse Open, incorp BS Club and Grandslam Sunday League : Kelsey Proud and Maddie
90cm Horse Open, incorp BS Club : Jamie Davison and Aztec Fantasia
1.00m Horse Open, incorp BS Club : Leigh Robinson and Everything Voodoo
1m05 Horse Open incorp. Grandslam Sunday League : Rachel Davison and Devil’s Fire
Our next Fun and Club Day is Sunday, 8th June 2014, hope to see you there … L.F.E.