Welcome to Lane Farm Equestrian
17th March 2021
After a un-precedented year for everyone, hopefully now the future is looking brighter for the equestrian community. As we roll from lockdown to the resumption of competitions and other activities, horse owners will be looking forward to happier days ahead.
With this in mind we sadly have to announce the disappointing news that Lane Farm Equestrian will be ceasing from organising and hosting competitions and clinics for the foreseeable future.
This is a hard business decision which has been looming for some time but we have finally had to give in to our big brother contracting company who we share the farm site with. The area needed for WL Straughan’s plant and machinery requirements is ever increasing and combined with parking for vans and employees cars, not to mention liveries cars, wagons and trailers; we have come to a point where we have literally ran out of space to accommodate further equestrian traffic. This renders it now virtually impossible and risky to host events. Nor do we have any future plans to take up more field space for the construction of another car park.
For this reason L.F.E will revert back to being a private livery yard with excellent training and welfare facilities for our liveries.
We would like to thank everyone for the support and help we received over the last ten years, with an abundance of happy memories made; for the excitement, laughs and tears that came with those heady days.
May we wish you a great summer with many more happy horsey times to come but most of all we wish you all keep safe and well.
With our Thanks and Best Wishes
Denise and the L.F.E team