Lane Farm Equestrian had another fun filled showjumping Sunday
Remember that all placings mean points in our Shooting Stars
and Grandslam Leagues.
Check out your league position on
our website Show Jumping Leagues page.
Stacie Cox with Johny won the 70cm Swan Class which is
kindly Sponsored by a local pub in Choppington. Stacie was presented with a £20
voucher to spend at the newly refurbished pub.
It would be great if any of our unaffiliated riders who were
placed in our Club Classes on Sunday became a member of British Show Jumping
Club. If you joined you would accrue points from Sunday’s Show and qualify for
the National Championships at Stoneleigh in August. If you are
interested please join within two weeks of our 14th May Show to
qualify for the National Championship’s. It is great fun and a highly
prestigious event for you and your horse/pony. Annual membership is still only
£30.00 per annum. Please call BS office
for further details - 024
7669 8800
As always, we are very grateful to everyone who supports the
Showjumping at LFE. We look forward to seeing you again on Sunday 11th
June for another great day jumping!
Results –
1st – Mollie Kavanagh and April
2nd – Sue Charlton and Dolly
3rd – Ashlyn Rutherford and Emma
4th – Gemma Mconnel and Vader
5th – Helen Crollman and Lady
6th – Alex Lee and Hamlet
1st – Mollie Kavanagh and Aril
2nd – Rachel Forster and Brylin
3rd – Gemma Mconnel and Tasha
4th - Helen Crollman and Lady
5th - Gemma Mconnel and Vader
6th – Alex Lee and Hamlet
70cm Pony
1st – Mollie Kavanagh and Prancer
2nd – Julie Ferguson and Summer
3rd – Georgie Finnigan and Old Mill Sunshine
4th – Ava Taperell and Lexi
5th – Ebony Mcdermott and Bowes Tokyo Drift
6th – Rachel Forster and Brylin
80cm Pony
1st – Harry Baker and Olly
2nd – Emily Mcdermott and Bowes Miss Understood
3rd – Mollie Kavanagh and Prancer
4th – Julie Ferguson and Summer
5th – Billy Mcdermott and Knockilla Jasmine
90cm Pony
1st – Harri Baker and Olly
2nd – Mollie Kavangh and Prancer
3rd – Ebony Mcdemort and Bowes Miss Understood
70cm Horse
1st – Stacie Cox and Johny
2nd – Megan Wackett and Dalton Phoenix
3rd – Emily Scott and China V
4th – Alison Ainsley and Guisborn Haneef
5th – Olivia Armstrong and Grace
6th – Rachel Davison and Phoenix
80cm Horse
1st – Anna Robinson and Millificent
2nd Megan Wackett and Dalton Phoenix
3rd – Emily Scott and China V
4th – Lisa Richardson and Prince Harry
5th – Michael Aruthur and Rainbow
6th – Imogyn Forsythe and Cloondahara
90cm Horse
1st – Lisa Richardson and Prince Harry
2nd – Anna Robinson and Millificent
3rd – Michael Arthur and Rainbow
4th – Amy Tapping and Jumangi
5th – Stephanie Brown
and Diamond Purdy
6th – Amanda Robinson and Jack