What a beautiful day it was yesterday sun glasses and sun creams at the ready!
If you noted our previous posting concerning Grandslam you will remember there
was a tie for first place at the end of our 80cm Pony Grandslam Champions League. Our contenders
were Rebecca Wilkins with Star and Emily Scott with Winter Flame.
Yesterdays ‘decider’ confirmed 13 yr old Rebecca Wilkins with Star to be our 80cm Pony Grandslam Champion for 2015/2016. Emily with Flame went first but unfortunately had the first part of the
double down. Rebecca rode her beloved little Star and kept a cool head to master a lovely clear round. Rebecca can always remember she won her own Grandslam Championship the day Michael Jung famously won his at Badminton!!
We would like to congratulate Rebecca and Emily on their performances. Two lovely young girls who are great competitors here at Lane Farm, enjoying an exciting finish to their Championship.
True young sportswoman with their horsey passion at heart but with such friendly and happy attitudes. Well Done Girls!
Our decider for Reserve Champion in the 80cm Horse Grandslam was one by Jade Smith on Popular Demand. Jess Hayes and Valentino gave her best, knocking seconds off the time but unfortunately had a fence down.
May we take this opportunity to thank all competitors who participated in last years Grandslam
event and just to remind you that we are now at the start of the 2016/2017 year. So come and participate and earn your Sunday League points here at Lane Farm.
Our Grandslam Show runs, the second Sunday of every month so look out for our Schedule.
This Show is available to all unaffiliated riders including the British Showjumping Club Classes.
70cm – 1.00m. If you are a BS Club member and are placed in these classes you earn points for
for the BS Club Northern League. Unaffiliated riders participate for prizes and rosettes.
BS Club costs £30.00 per annum to join with participants having the chance to qualify to go to the
Club Championships at the BS National Championships in August, held at Stoneleigh.
If you would like to know more details concerning BS Club membership, please contact L.F.E or the
British Showjumping Office.
Thank you to all who attended yesterday’s Show and thank you to the L.F.E. team once again.
Our next Grandslam competition will be, Sunday 12 June 2016, a full day of Showjumping, to include our Grandslam Champions 2015/2016 presentation.
Hope to see you there …. L.F.E.