Wednesday 29th October
What a great night we had at our Shooting Stars Halloween Special on Wednesday night.
Thank you so, so much everyone for making the effort to come fancy
dressed. You were all fangtastic!! It was much appreciated.
Hope you enjoy looking at the photos...
Special mention to our Fancy Dress Winners, Josie Purvis with the
adorable Acer for Juniors and Stacey Baister with Darcy for Seniors.
The Screamin games were a scream!! thank you all participants and
congratulations to our winners, Levi Haughie, Ella Jackson and Chris
Sainter woop woop .. thank you guys you were great spirits!! Many
screamin seats were smashed .. ah the fun of Halloween!!
Thanks once again everybody and HAPPY HALLOWEEN TONIGHT!
Skeleton 55cms -- Bethany Gregg and Smartie
Pumpkin 65cms - Bethany Gregg and Smartie
Monster Mash 75cms - Abby and Wispa
Witchy Woo 85cms - Robyn Wolfe and Mr Frank
Vampire Bats 95cms - Robyn Wolfe and Boomergang11