Thank you everyone for turning out on a blustery day, Sunday gone, to our May Fun and Club Show. Once again the thrills of the day were apparent, smiley faces and well earned rosettes and prizes. Exciting and fun, it was great. A big tha...nk you to all our supporters and congratulations to the following prize winners.
Just before I list them I would like to say that British Showjumping have a sponsor for northern league Club Showjumping.
i-Quip Equestrian, producing world class second-skin riding gloves.
Anyone placed 1st to 3rd receive varying discounted rates off these expensive gloves.
British Showjumping 'Club' jumping is a great way for grass-roots horse and rider to improve their skills. Progressing up to a metre
'Club' gives confidence to venture further to B.S. National membership. For only £30.00 subscription British Showjumping Club membership gives the chance to represent your Northern league nationally. You can refer to the league on the BS website 'Rankings' to see where you are in the Northern league.
Great competition.
British Showjumping have assured venues that they will announce this week where the finals will take place. Our competitors who became Club members and have league points will go forward to this prestigious event. How exciting is that! The new league starts in June and subscription lasts for one year from when you joined. Come on showjumpers show them what we're made and represent the 'North' in the 'Club' league.
You can collect your league points at Lane Farm's Fun and Club Showjumping Days, held the second Sunday in every month.
Our next Club event is to be held on the 10 June 2012.
Here are last Sundays winners:
Fun Classes:
55cm (unafill) Pony: Nicola Harrison/Liquorice, Horse: Laura Crawford/Roma
Pairs Relay Winners: Niamh Goldsmith/Ben, Morgan Clark/Princess
'Club' Classes:
70 cm Pony: Brooke Targett/Katie
80 cm Pony: Ria Scott/Miley
70 cm Horse: Katie Graham/Snowsfield Puck
80 cm Horse: Amy Pickering/Murphy
90 cm Horse: Alex Deighton/OchilStar
1 m Horse: Alex Deighton/Ochil Star
Photo: 80cm Horse winner: Amy Pickering/Murphy
Denise Straughan with i-Quip (sponsor) voucher
Thank you Peter Grey for taking photographs on Sunday